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Selaks The Taste Collection Black Forest Pinot Noir 750ml

Selaks The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for over 80 years.

Selaks The Taste Collection Buttery Chardonnay 750ml

The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for more than 90 years. Buttery Chardonnay, smooth, creamy and simply melts in your mouth. The beautifully integrated toasty oak results in flavours of brioche and vanilla, while still enabling the delightful ripe stone fruit characters to shine through.

Selaks The Taste Collection Rich Berry Merlot 750ml

The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for more than 90 years. Rich Berry Merlot, the rich berry fruit flavours gently cascade along the palate, underpinned by soft fine tannins. A sumptuous, fruit-forward wine with lingering flavour right to the finish.

Selaks The Taste Collection Tropical Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for more than 90 years. Tropical Sauvignon Blanc, packed with juicy citrus flavours. Layer in passionfruit and melon undertones and you get a flavour explosion waiting to happen. Definitely a wine to delight your friends with.

Serafino Shiraz 750ml

The wine is black/purple in colour, the nose displays subtle vanilla/cedar oak, mulberry, chocolate, spice and Satsuma Plum. This powerful Shiraz shows distinctive regional characters of dark chocolate, black prunes, pepper, licorice and spicy cedary oak on the palate, with ripe loganberry fruit and oak perfectly integrated.

Seresin Organic Chardonnay 750ml

On the nose, are notes of citrus, toasted almond and apple. The palate is focused and bright, with hints of grapefruit, nectarine and peach. The acidity is firm and linear, giving backbone to the soft orchard-fruit core and carrying through to a long fragrant finish.

Seresin Organic Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Brimming with concentrated ripe aromas of warm autumnal interlaced with savoury notes. On the palate this Sauvignon Blanc shows the full spectrum of flavours. Medium to full-bodied, it's plump and silky on the palate, showcasing round fig and melon notes.

Shingle Peak Chardonnay 750ml

Vibrant green in colour, the nose is fresh with lime juice cordial, white peach and hints of subtle creamy French oak. The palate is crisp and fresh, lime and honey dew melon linger, intertwined with well integrated oak and defined acidity that gives structure and length.

Shingle Peak Merlot 750ml

This is a fruit driven Hawkes Bay Merlot ready to drink or for the short term cellar. A perfect match with roast lamb and minted potatoes.

Shingle Peak Pinot Gris 750ml

The palate is full and generous, sweet tropical fruits combine with characteristic pinot gris texture creating mouth filling length. Pinot gris is delicious sipped solo or enjoyed with seared or grilled fish and simple oven-roasted chicken.

Shingle Peak Pinot Noir 750ml

The nose exhibits perfumed violets and dark red fruit of plum and cherry. The palate is soft, with rich ripe fruit and fine tannin structure balanced nicely with integrated lingering oak, resulting in a palate of length and complexity.

Shingle Peak Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Bright, pure, well-etched fruit defines this delicious wine. Bursts of lemon and lime, peach and ripe apple are almost jammy, punctuated by high acidity, which heightens the spicy palate. A dollop of sweetness completes the package.
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